Brain Shift into your New Year with Neurosculpting® Basics
- Feeling stuck in an old pattern of thinking or doing?
- Wondering what nutrition your brain needs to function at optimal levels?
- Looking for useful tips to use in your personal wellness journey?
- Interested in how your brain gets triggered and how you can easily learn to emotionally regulate at home,work and out in the world?
- Want to increase neuroplasticity and grow your gray matter regardless of age?
- Thinking you'd like to come but its so cozy at home on a cold Sunday afternoon?
Stay in your cozy clothing, snuggle up in your blanket, grab a cup of tea and join me to experience an online Neurosculpting® Basics class
February 11th from 4pm to 6pm (EST) on Zoom
Sign up now to reserve 1 of the 12 available openings.
Once you are registered and paid the zoom link will be sent to you.
COST 35.00